
Class and Grade

There are TWO different classes of membership under which a total of FIVE grades of memberships are defined.


The Corporate class of membership comprises the grades of Fellow (FCIE), Senior Member (SrMCIE) and Member (MCIE).


The Non-Corporate class comprises Associate Member (AMCIE-HK), and Student Member.


Fellow (FCIE)

Normally senior members who have 3 or more years of senior membership and who have carried out superior responsibility and/or provided superior contribution in the field.

Senior Member (SrMCIE)

Practising senior engineer, associate professor and technologist who have major contribution in the field.

Member (MCIE)

Practising engineer, lecturer and technologist who have attained professional level of responsibility and experience.

Associate Member (AMCIE-HK)

Engineers, lecturer and technologist at assistant professional level who have attained sufficient level of academic qualification or technological experience and are progressing towards professional or technologist status.

Student Member

Students who are studying an electronic engineering or related courses leading to professional or technologist status in a HKSAR Government recognised tertiary educational institution.

Application Procedure

Please download the (1) application form, fill in the details with one supporter and one proposer, and email it together with the (2) verified true copy of your qualifications and (3) CV to [email protected].

You will be informed to settle the membership fee if your application is successful.

Any inquiry can be sent to [email protected].


Renewal email will be sent to members at appropriate time, please follow the email to complete the process.

Professional Development

Mutual Recognition with Guangdong Institute of Electronics (GD CIE)

Application Procedure